大学受験英語 英単語/機能語・機能型単語一覧

『機能語』・『機能型単語』とは 編集

言語は、一般的に品詞(言語学では『語類』と言います)レベルで、ある内容を指し示す語『内容語(content word)』と、文章において内容語の関係を示す『機能語(function word)』に分けられます。日本語においては前者は『自立語』と言って体言・用言、後者は『付属語』と言って助詞・助動詞の類と理解できると思います。




機能語・機能型単語一覧 編集

冠詞・限定詞 編集

the05, an05, any05,some05, a05, Mr.05, same05, Mrs.05, Miss05, ex-10,non10,Prof.50

前置詞・接続詞 編集

of05, to05, in05, with05, for05, on05, at05, by05, from05, into05, than05, about05, upon05, like05, before05, after05, without05, through05, under05, while05, against05, though05, between05, among05, within05, above05, along05, during05, behind05, beyond05, toward10, below10, unto10, beneath10, besides15, amid25, amidst35

接続詞 編集

and05, as05, or05, but05, if05, because05, nor05, till05, since05, until05, unless10, 'cause80, although10

助動詞 編集

would05, will05, could05, may05, can05, should05, must05, shall05, might05


cannot05ain't15, shan't50

be XXXX to の形のもの 編集

able05, ought05, apt25

代名詞 編集

I05, he05, his05, it05, you05, her05, him05, she05, they05, my05, me05, one05, their05, that05, this05, all05, we05, them05, your05, other05, our05, its05, us05, these05, own05, those05, himself05, nothing05, another05, each05, both05, something05, myself05, themselves05, others05, thou05, herself05, anything05, thy05, thee05, everything05, ye05, none05, mine10, former10, instead10, somewhat10, ourselves10, ones10, yours15, everybody20, anybody20, hers20, ours25, somebody25, someone30, oneself65

疑問代名詞・関係代名詞 編集

which05, who05, what05, whom05, whose05, whatever10, whatsoever25, whoever50

機能型副詞一覧 編集

  1. 程度副詞
    very, much, some, a little, barely, hardly, rarely, little, not, only
  2. 頻度副詞
    always, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never
  3. 方向副詞
    out, in, up, off, down, away, back
  4. 指示副詞
    here, there, now, then, thus
  5. 疑問・関係副詞
    where, when, why, how
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