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  • 2024年4月26日 (金) 00:10 EulahBooze3 トーク 投稿記録 がページ「Grey Parrot Wikipedia」を作成しました (ページの作成:「Do not use distilled water, which can cause severe medical problems, since it lacks minerals that are essential to important body functions. African Greys are not sexually dimorphic, which means males and females are not visually different. A proper DNA test by a qualified avian veterinarian can tell you whether your pet is male or female. Without plenty of interaction and training, an [https://africangreypetsfarm.com/ African grey parrot] may become depressed and e…」)
  • 2024年4月26日 (金) 00:09 利用者アカウント EulahBooze3 トーク 投稿記録 が作成されました