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Technically speaking, this grammar is intended to introduce the reader to the fundamentals of the Sumerian language from the perspective of a student, new to the field. This is not intended to be a reference grammar. As our understanding of the language is always in flux, due to the paucity of available data, and the ongoing research of countless linguists and grammarians around the globe, take everything (and I mean ''everything'') herein with a grain of salt.
== Introductionはじめに ==
The Sumerian language was used from at least シュメール語は、少なくとも5000 years ago until at least 年前から2500 years ago.年前まで用いられていました。 Needless to say, the language underwent a lot of changes during that period, and even after its active life it was used as a literary and official language by other cultures.
What this means is that there isn't just one "Sumerian" language -- just the opposite, there are a heck of a lot of them! The language was used over a pretty large geographic area, as well, so on top of huge temporal changes, there are regional changes as well.