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== はじめに ==
シュメール語は、少なくとも5000年前から2500年前まで用いられていました。 Needless to say, the language underwent a lot of changes during that period, and even after its active life it was used as a literary and official language by other cultures.もちろん、時代とともに多くの変化を経てきました。また、口語として廃れた後も、文語的で公式な言語として、他文化で使われました。
What this means is that there isn't just one "Sumerian" language -- just the opposite, there are a heck of a lot of them! The language was used over a pretty large geographic area, as well, so on top of huge temporal changes, there are regional changes as well.
You quickly find that there are quite a few ways to make a "definitive" Sumerian grammar. As one Sumerologist once put it, tongue in cheek, "there are as many Sumerian grammars as there are Sumerian grammarians."
The most important thing to remember, though, is that the Sumerians weren't ''trying'' to confuse us. In fact, they were attempting to be as obvious as possible! They wanted the things they were writing to be found by later generations, as testaments to their achievements, in politics as well as literature.
ですから、博物館などで、シュメールの粘土板を読むときは、このことを思い出してください。''読まれたがっている''のだと。 どこへ行こうとも、少し努力をするだけで、人間の精神から来る希望や夢、そして野心を持った人々の声が聞こえてくるのですから。
So when you read a Sumerian tablet the next time you're at a museum, remember: they ''want'' to be read. All it takes is a little effort, and you'll be hearing the voices of people just like us, with all the hopes and dreams and ambitions that accompany the human spirit wherever it goes.
Reading Sumerian is, first and foremost, a human endeavour.
== Grammar 文法==
Click the link below! The lessons are an introduction to Sumerian for people who've never been introduced to the language.