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[[:w:満州語|満州語]]は[[:w:ツングース諸語|満州・ツングース諸語]]に属する言語で、かつては[[:w:清|清朝]]の公用語でした。今日に至っては、ほとんどの満州族は中国語を話すものの、およそ60人未満の母語話者がいます。満州語の母語話者は主に中国黒竜江省のチチハル市からおよそ40㎞離れた三家子村({{MongolUnicode|ᡳᠯᠠᠨ<br>ᠪᠣᠣ}}, ilan boo)に分布しています。中国東北部における満州語はほとんど話されていませんが、新疆ウイグル自治区イリ・カザフ自治州チャプチャルシベ自治県({{MongolUnicode|ᠴᠠᠪᠴᠠᠯ}}, cabcal)にはいまだに30,000余りのシベ語話者が住んでおり、こちらは満州語と相互意思疎通可能で、言語としては異なりますが、当該言語の方言ともみなされています。<br>
Manchu is a Manchu-Tungusic language spoken in Manchuria; it used to be the language of the Manchus, and the official language of the Qing dynasty. Nowadays most Manchus speak Chinese and there are far fewer than 60 native speakers of Manchu out of a total of more than 10 million ethnic Manchus. Most of these native speakers now live in Ilan Boo (''Sanjiazi'' in Mandarin Chinese; 三家子) which is a small village about 40km north of Qiqihar (齐齐哈尔) in Heilongjiang province. Although the spoken language is nearly extinct in Manchuria, the Manchu language lives on in the form of one of its dialects Sibe, which still has 30,000 speakers most of which live in Cabcal Sibe Autonomous County (察布查尔锡伯自治县) near Ili (伊犁) in Xinjiang province, Western China.<br>
* 満州・ツングース諸語に対する興味
* 清朝の歴史に対する興味、特に満州文字で書かれた膨大な数の文献に関して
* 好奇心
* 満州文化の認知
* 独特な文字
* 古代中国語の文献を解かりやすく読むため
Manchu is a member of the Manchu-Tungusic language family which is believed by some scholars to be a branch of the Altaic language family (along with Mongolic and Turkic). Manchu is an agglutinative language that features both vowel harmony and a Subject-Object-Verb sentence structure. Although it is not particularly hard to learn (especially in comparison to Chinese) many would wonder why you would bother learning a language that is spoken by so few people and whose future does not look that promising. Some reasons could include:
* An interest in Manchu-Tungusic languages