「利用者:こいつぅ~jawikibooks/en:Deletion Policy私訳」の版間の差分

削除された内容 追加された内容
31 行
Hopefully, this notice will prevent new users from becoming confused as to why their page was removed. ''Please note that this text should not be used in the case of a possible copyright violation.'' In that case, please use the "Copyright infringement notice" text from [[Wikibooks:Boilerplate text]].
== 存続すべきもの、削除すべきもの ==
== What to keep, what to delete ==
When considering whether to list a page on VfD, consider the following recommendations:
* スタブは削除せず残します。しかしながら適切な定義すらないスタブは削除すべきです。あるいは単純な定義から発展する見込みがない(never)ものは削除すべきです。[[Wikibooks:スタブ]].
* In general, keep stubs. However, delete stubs that don't even have a decent definition. Also, delete stubs that will never become more than a simple definition. See [[Wikibooks:Find or fix a stub|Find or fix a stub]].
* 大幅な改変が必要な項目は削除せず[[Wikibooks:Pages needing attention]]に載せます。完全に[[Wikibooks:無意味な記述|無意味]]なものに関しては削除を検討すべきです。
* In general, keep [[Wikibooks:module|module]]s that need heavy editing, and list them on [[Wikibooks:Pages needing attention|Modules needing attention]]. However, consider deleting pages that are just [[Wikibooks:patent nonsense|patent nonsense]].
* In general, keep redirect pages. 転送ページは削除せず残します。However, consider deleting redirects that make it unreasonably difficult for users to locate similarly named pages, if they are offensive and not useful, or if they are self-aggrandizing, advertizing, or primarily for promotion. See [[Wikibooks:redirect]] for more suggestions on when it may be appropriate to delete redirects.
* In general, delete pages教材となりえないことが明らかなページ(pages that simply will never become instructional resource modules, for example, modules)は削除すべきです。たとえば、modules that represent completely idiosyncratic non-topics, etc.
== Guidelines for admins ==