「利用者:こいつぅ~jawikibooks/en:Deletion Policy私訳」の版間の差分

削除された内容 追加された内容
Brevam (トーク | 投稿記録)
45 行
== 管理者のためのガイドライン ==
Here are some guidelines that those tasked with removing pages from the database can generally be expected to follow in making the decision to delete or not:
# As a general rule, ''don't'' delete pages you nominate for deletion. Let someone else do it.
# Simply deleting a page does ''not'' automatically delete its talk page or any subpages. Please delete these pages first, and then the main page. Also, if you delete a page, remove it from this list as well.
#: あるページを消しても、付属のノートやサブページ自動的には削除され'''ない'''。ノートやサブページを先に消してから、表のページを消すこと。また、削除を行ったら、削除依頼からその依頼を取り除くこと。
# If another solution has been found for some of these pages than deletion, leave them listed on [[Wikibooks:Votes for deletion]] for a short while, so the original poster can see why it wasn't deleted, and what did happen to it. This will prevent reposting of the same item.
#: 削除以外の措置がとられた場合、なぜ削除されなかったのか、どういう措置がとられたのか、ということが分かるように、暫く[[Wikibooks:削除依頼]]に掲載し続けること。また、同様の依頼が出されないようにすることにも役立つ。
# Use common sense and respect the judgment and feelings of other Wikibooks participants.
#: 常識を以って、他の参加者の判断と感情を尊重すること。
# When in doubt, don't delete.
#: 疑いのあるものは消さないこと。
# Do not delete a page containing a personal essay or other content from the main module namespace without first posting a copy elsewhere (e.g., in a different namespace or on the [http://meta.wikipedia.com meta]), ''unless'' the content is simply [[Wikibooks:vandalism|vandalism]]. We reject the notion that Wikibooks must become a repository for all manner of nonsense that happens to be posted. To be clear, however, a good faith attempt to write an instructional resource module, no matter how poorly worded, biased, or otherwise flawed, will ''not'' be considered vandalism.
# '''Copyright''': See [[Wikibooks:Copyrights]] for deletion policy on copyright infringement (and [[m:Wikipedia and copyright issues]] and [[m:Avoid Copyright Paranoia]] for perspective).