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→‎Return Values: 一部訳出
266 行
=== Return Values戻り値 ===
Right now, the parser doesn't ''do'' much of anything - it just tells us whether a given string can be recognized or not. Generally, we want something more out of our parsers: we want them to convert the input into a data structure that we can traverse easily. In this section, we learn how to define a data type, and how to modify our parser so that it returns this data type.
First, we need to define a data type that can hold any Lisp value:
<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">
data LispVal = Atom String
| List [LispVal]
| List [LispVal]
| DottedList [LispVal] LispVal
| Number Integer
| String String
| Bool Bool
This is an example of an ''algebraic data type''<nowiki>: it defines a set of possible values that a variable of type LispVal can hold. Each alternative (called a </nowiki>''constructor'' and separated by <code>|</code>) contains a tag for the constructor along with the type of data that that constructor can hold. In this example, a <code>LispVal</code> can be:
# <code>Atom</code> - そのアトムの示す文字列を格納します。
# An <code>Atom</code>, which stores a String naming the atom
# <code>List</code> - 他の<code>LispVal</code>のリストを保持します(Haskellのリストは角括弧で表されます)。''proper''リストとも呼ばれます。
# A <code>List</code>, which stores a list of other LispVals (Haskell lists are denoted by brackets); also called a ''proper'' list
# A <code>DottedList</code>, representing the- Scheme form <code>(a b . c)</code>; also called an を表し、''improper'' list. This stores a list of all elements but the last, and then stores the last element as another fieldリストとも呼ばれます。これは最後以外全ての要素のリストを持ち、最後の要素を別に格納します。
# A <code>Number</code>, containing a- Haskell Integerの整数を保持します。
# A <code>String</code>, containing a- Haskell Stringの文字列を保持します。
# A <code>Bool</code>, containing a- Haskell boolean valueの真偽値を保持します。
Constructors and types have different namespaces, so you can have both a constructor named String and a type named String. Both types and constructor tags always begin with capital letters.