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→‎Return Values: 一部訳出
→‎戻り値: 一部訳出
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# <code>Bool</code> - Haskellの真偽値を保持します。
Constructors and types have different namespaces, so you can have both a constructor named String and a type named String. Both types and constructor tags always begin with capital letters.
Next, let's add a few more parsing functions to create values of these types. A string is a double quote mark, followed by any number of non-quote characters, followed by a closing quote mark:
<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">
parseString :: Parser LispVal
parseString =:: doParser char '"'LispVal
parseString ::= Parserdo LispValchar '"'
x &lt;- many (noneOf "\"")
x char<- 'many (noneOf "\""')
char return $ String x'"'
return $ String x
We're back to using the また>>演算子の代わりにdo-notation instead of the &gt;&gt; operator. This is because we'll be retrieving the value of our parse 記法を使っています。これは私たちがパース結果の値(returned by <code>[http://www.cs.uu.nl/~daan/download/parsec/parsec.html#many many] ([http://www.cs.uu.nl/~daan/download/parsec/parsec.html#noneOf noneOf] "\"")</code>によって返される) and manipulating it, interleaving some other parse operations in the meantime. In general, use &gt;&gt; if the actions don't return a value, &gt;&gt;を取り出し、他のパース関数を間に挟みながら操作することになるからです。一般に、アクションが値を返さないときに<code>>></code>を、値をすぐに次のアクションに渡すときに<code>>>= if you'll be immediately passing that value into the next action, and </code>を、その他の場合にdo-notation otherwise.記法を使います。
Once we've finished the parse and have the Haskell String returned from <code>many</code>, we apply the String constructor (from our LispVal data type) to turn it into a LispVal. Every constructor in an algebraic data type also acts like a function that turns its arguments into a value of its type. It also serves as a pattern that can be used in the left-hand side of a pattern-matching expression; we saw an example of this in [[#Writing a Simple Parser|Lesson 3.1]] when we matched our parser result against the two constructors in the <code>Either</code> data type.
その後<code>LispVal</code>をParserモナドにするのにビルトイン関数[http://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/standard-prelude.html#$tMonad return]を適用します。doブロックのそれぞれの行は同じ型を持たなければなりませんが、<code>String</code>コンストラクタの結果はただの<code>LispVal</code>です。<code>return</code>はそれを包み上げ、入力を何も消費せずそれを内部の値として返すParserアクションにしてくれます。よって、<code>parseString</code>アクション全体では<code>Parser LispVal</code>という型を持つことになります。
We then apply the built-in function [http://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/standard-prelude.html#$tMonad return] to lift our LispVal into the Parser monad. Remember, each line of a do-block must have the same type, but the result of our String constructor is just a plain old LispVal. Return lets us wrap that up in a Parser action that consumes no input but returns it as the inner value. Thus, the whole parseString action will have type Parser LispVal.
The <code>$</code> operator is infix function application: it's the same as if we'd written 演算子は中置関数適用です。<code>return (String x)</code>, but と書いても同じですが、<code>$</code> is right-associative, letting us eliminate some parentheses. Since は右結合なので括弧を幾つか省くことができます。<code>$</code> is an operator, you can do anything with it that you'd normally do to a function: pass it around, partially apply it, etc. In this respect, it functions like the は演算子なので、引数として他の関数に渡したり部分適用するなど、関数と同様に扱うことができます。この点に於て、<code>$</code>はLisp function の関数[http://www.schemers.org/Documents/Standards/R5RS/HTML/r5rs-Z-H-9.html#%_sec_6.4 apply].のように働きます。
Now let's move on to Scheme variables. An [http://www.schemers.org/Documents/Standards/R5RS/HTML/r5rs-Z-H-5.html#%_sec_2.1 atom] is a letter or symbol, followed by any number of letters, digits, or symbols: