「48時間でSchemeを書こう/評価: 第二部」の版間の差分

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en:Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours/Evaluation, Part 2 (00:33, 26 March 2011 UTC) をインポート
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== 追加のプリミティブ: 部分適用 ==
== Additional Primitives: Partial Application ==
Now that we can deal with type errors, bad arguments, and so on, we'll flesh out our primitive list so that it does something more than calculate. We'll add boolean operators, conditionals, and some basic string operations.
Start by adding the following into the list of primitives:
("=", numBoolBinop (==)),
("<", numBoolBinop (<)),
(">", numBoolBinop (>)),
("/=", numBoolBinop (/=)),
(">=", numBoolBinop (>=)),
("<=", numBoolBinop (<=)),
("&&", boolBoolBinop (&&)),
("||", boolBoolBinop (||)),
("string=?", strBoolBinop (==)),
("string<?", strBoolBinop (<)),
("string>?", strBoolBinop (>)),
("string<=?", strBoolBinop (<=)),
("string>=?", strBoolBinop (>=)),
<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">
("=", numBoolBinop (==)),
("&lt;<", numBoolBinop (&lt;<)),
("&gt;>", numBoolBinop (&gt;>)),
("/=", numBoolBinop (/=)),
("&gt;>=", numBoolBinop (&gt;>=)),
("&lt;<=", numBoolBinop (&lt;<=)),
("&amp;&amp;", boolBoolBinop (&amp;&amp;)),
("||", boolBoolBinop (||)),
("string=?", strBoolBinop (==)),
("string&lt;<?", strBoolBinop (&lt;<)),
("string&gt;>?", strBoolBinop (&gt;>)),
("string&lt;<=?", strBoolBinop (&lt;<=)),
("string&gt;>=?", strBoolBinop (&gt;>=)),
These depend on helper functions that we haven't written yet: <span class="inline_code">numBoolBinop</span>, <span class="inline_code">boolBoolBinop</span> and <span class="inline_code">strBoolBinop</span>. Instead of taking a variable number of arguments and returning an integer, these both take exactly 2 arguments and return a boolean. They differ from each other only in the type of argument they expect, so let's factor the duplication into a generic <span class="inline_code">boolBinop</span> function that's parametrized by the unpacker function it applies to its arguments:
<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">
boolBinop :: (LispVal -&gt;> ThrowsError a) -&gt;> (a -&gt;> a -&gt;> Bool) -&gt;> [LispVal] -&gt;> ThrowsError LispVal
boolBinop unpacker op args = if length args /= 2
then throwError $ NumArgs 2 args
else do left &lt;<- unpacker $ args !! 0
right &lt;<- unpacker $ args !! 1
return $ Bool $ left `op` right
Because each arg may throw a type mismatch, we have to unpack them sequentially, in a do-block (for the Error monad). We then apply the operation to the two arguments and wrap the result in the Bool constructor. Any function can be turned into an infix operator by wrapping it in backticks (<span class="inline_code">`op`</span>).
Also, take a look at the type signature. <span class="inline_code">boolBinop</span> takes ''two'' functions as its first two arguments: the first is used to unpack the arguments from LispVals to native Haskell types, and the second is the actual operation to perform. By parameterizing different parts of the behavior, you make the function more reusable.
Now we define three functions that specialize boolBinop with different unpackers:
<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">
numBoolBinop = boolBinop unpackNum
strBoolBinop = boolBinop unpackStr
boolBoolBinop = boolBinop unpackBool
We haven't told Haskell how to unpack strings from LispVals yet. This works similarly to unpackNum, pattern matching against the value and either returning it or throwing an error. Again, if passed a primitive value that could be interpreted as a string (such as a number or boolean), it will silently convert it to the string representation.
<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">
unpackStr :: LispVal -&gt;> ThrowsError String
unpackStr (String s) = return s
unpackStr (Number s) = return $ show s
unpackStr (Bool s) = return $ show s
unpackStr notString = throwError $ TypeMismatch "string" notString
And we use similar code to unpack booleans:
<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">
unpackBool :: LispVal -&gt;> ThrowsError Bool
unpackBool (Bool b) = return b
unpackBool notBool = throwError $ TypeMismatch "boolean" notBool
Let's compile and test this to make sure it's working, before we proceed to the next feature:
<syntaxhighlight lang="text">
debian:/home/jdtang/haskell_tutorial/code#% ghc -package parsec -o simple_parser [../code/listing6.1.hs listing6.1.hs]<nowiki>
debian:/home/jdtang/haskell_tutorial/code#% ./simple_parser "(&lt;< 2 3)"
debian:/home/jdtang/haskell_tutorial/code#% ./simple_parser "(&gt;> 2 3)"
debian:/home/jdtang/haskell_tutorial/code#% ./simple_parser "(&gt;>= 3 3)"
debian:/home/jdtang/haskell_tutorial/code#% ./simple_parser "(string=? \"test\" \"test\")"
debian:/home/jdtang/haskell_tutorial/code#% ./simple_parser "(string&lt;<? \"abc\" \"bba\")"
== Conditionals: Pattern Matching 2 ==
255 ⟶ 259行目:
# Instead of treating any non-false value as true, change the definition of "if" so that the predicate accepts only Bool values and throws an error on any others.