「48時間でSchemeを書こう/評価: 第二部」の版間の差分

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== Conditionals条件分岐: Pattern Matching パターンマッチ2 ==
Now, we'll proceed to adding an if-clause to our evaluator. As with standard Scheme, our evaluator considers #f to be false and any other value to be true:
<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">
eval (List [Atom "if", pred, conseq, alt]) =
do result &lt;<- eval pred
case result of
Bool False -&gt;> eval alt
otherwise -&gt;> eval conseq
This is another example of nested pattern-matching. Here, we're looking for a 4-element list. The first element must be the atom "if". The others can be any Scheme forms. We take the first element, evaluate, and if it's false, evaluate the alternative. Otherwise, we evaluate the consequent.
Compile and run this, and you'll be able to play around with conditionals:
<syntaxhighlight lang="text">
debian:/home/jdtang/haskell_tutorial/code#% ghc -package parsec -o simple_parser [../code/listing6.2.hs listing6.2.hs]
debian:/home/jdtang/haskell_tutorial/code#% ./simple_parser "(if (&gt;> 2 3) \"no\" \"yes\")"
debian:/home/jdtang/haskell_tutorial/code#% ./simple_parser "(if (= 3 3) (+ 2 3 (- 5 1)) \"unequal\")"
== List Primitives: car, cdr, and cons ==