「GNU Octave 2.1.x 日本語マニュアル/数値積分」の版間の差分

削除された内容 追加された内容
quad_options (opt, val)
quad_options (opt, val)
63 行
Note the use of the ‘dot’ forms of the operators. This is not necessary for the call to quad, but it makes it much easier to generate a set of points for plotting (because it makes it possible to call the function with a vector argument to produce a vector result).
Then we simply call quad:
<source lang=matlab>
75 ⟶ 74行目:
Although quad returns a nonzero value for ier, the result is reasonably accurate (to see why, examine what happens to the result if you move the lower bound to 0.1, then 0.01, then 0.001, etc.).
(理由を理解するために、下限を0.1, 次に 0.01, さらに 0.001, etc.と移動したときに何がおこるか試験してください)
=== 22.2 Orthogonal Collocation ===