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Status: ごめんなさい。あまり見ていません。ウィキメールをいただけるかIRCチャネル #wikipedia-ja で依頼いただければ見るようにいたします。


  1. Hello, world! - main and std::cout
  2. std::string and std::cin
  3. if/for statement
  4. std::vector
  5. algorithm and iterator
  6. std::map
  7. exception
  8. boost library
  9. template function and functional object
  10. class and struct
  11. single inheritance and dynamic binding (virtual function)
  12. smart pointer


  • operator overload
  • boost library (again)
  • multiple inheritance and virtual inheritance
  • template and specialization
  • memory management


  • expression template


  • Microsoft Windows
  • X Window System
  • regular expression
  • XML handling
  • socket
  • CGI